
I see my role as a supervisor to support the clinical development of a therapist in training so that they can best serve their clients.  I am here to facilitate reflecting on the counseling work and help gain confidence in 

  • Case conceptualization, treatment, implementation

  • Documentation

  • Assessment of safety (SI/HI)

  • Assessment of legal issues and appropriate responses

  • Development of ethical decision-making

  • Theoretical orientations, applicability, and limitations

  • Self of the therapist (transference/countertransference)

  • Understanding clinicians’ activation and the survival strategies they rely on

  • Barriers to therapeutic regard

My approach is informed by developmental models and an anti-oppressive lens. A developmental approach means meeting the clinician where they are and supporting them in moving from uncertainty/lack of confidence to humble centeredness, which allows the clinician to “know what they know” as well as “know what they don’t.”  An anti-oppressive and liberatory lens first means I am embodying a stance of relational humility, curiosity, and awareness of my and my supervisee’s intersectional identities and the socio-political context of our lived experiences. From this place, I am supporting my supervisee in approaching clinical work similarly, to hold the impact of oppressive systems on their client’s lives.

It is my ultimate honor and privilege to walk alongside clinicians and support you in coming into your own sense of what it means to be a therapist. 

Please email me to discuss potential fit.

“I will not be perfect, I will keep learning. I will also not be silent, I will keep learning.”

adrienne maree brown