Relationship Intensives

Relationships are the heartbeat of our lives. 

The quality of the relationships we have with our partners, children, colleagues, friends, neighbors, and ourselves matters. It is not atypical as our relationships can be under a lot of stress, with the demands of work, family expectations, raising children, and living under oppressive systems that privilege certain identities.

When a significant relationship is hurting it can upend us, throwing the frameworks we have for how we understand ourselves and the world into question. Being disconnected can be frightening, activating primal questions about belonging, acceptance, and enoughness.

I can understand wanting to get some immediate support to address the issues and wanting to get some clarity, maybe even hope. Let me help you navigate this time in your life so that you may find your way back to each other.

In the busyness of our lives, it can be challenging to find the time to meet with someone to support navigating a difficult season in a relationship (parent/child, romantic partners, friends, colleagues, neighbors). Finances and extended time commitment for long-term work can also be a consideration for many. Intensives are designed to support you in gaining clarity and understanding of the changes each person in the system has to make so that you can get unstuck from unhelpful patterns and feel more connected.

What to Expect​

Session I: Intake (90 minutes)

In this introductory session, I will work with you to understand your relationship, identify the nature of the conflict, and support all participants in articulating a goal. I am focused on surfacing the dynamics at play and understanding the 20,000-foot view of the conflict

Session II-IV: In-Depths (120 minutes each)

In these sessions, we will work on addressing the goal by supporting each participant in understanding the role they play in creating the conflict. In these sessions, we will also begin to identify strategies and moves each of you can do to have a different outcome.

Session V: Closing (60 minutes)

In this final session, we will review the ground we have covered and I will invite each participant to share their learnings about the conflict and their role in it. At this point, if you are interested in referrals to therapists I will provide you with them.

Is this for you?

Intensives are best if all involved:

  • Are ready to make a change

  • Are willing to take influence and feedback

  • Are interested in understanding the role they play in the conflict

  • Do not have time for therapy every week due to busy schedules

  • Appreciate knowing that there is a foreseeable end to the process

  • Appreciate having tangible action items

Relationships include partners, colleagues, friends, parents, and adult children, neighbors.​

***Please note this is not mental health therapy. It is facilitation. While I am a licensed mental health clinician and I bring the rigor and standards of my field regarding confidentiality and privacy, my training in understanding systems, I will not be diagnosing, creating treatment plans, or billing insurance.  Additionally, these intensives are not suited for participants with serious mental health conditions, active suicidality, and/or substance use conditions. *** 

Email me for fee information.